Let’s face it, Google fell asleep, yes, the owner of the largest Internet video platform failed to get timely fashion service: live transmissions via smartphones. Such services today are dominated by Periscope, this after Meerkat, one of the first applications, is close to abandoning the battle, also Facebook, who a few weeks ago has begun to release the option a few users in iOS.
But it is not too late and Google wants to enter the battle, since according to reports VentureBeat, the Mountain View company is about to launch its own service broadcasts, which would be compatible with iOS and Android and would be hosted on YouTube, being a new service for the platform that would be called YouTube Connect.
Google also wants to enter the battle live streaming via smartphone
Live broadcasts on YouTube are not new, but have been limited to some users, plus it is not possible to access them from a smartphone, with this the company focused on winning market share platforms like Livestream and Ustream, who after the good results and ease of use of YouTube became secondary.
However, curiously YouTube never released an option for any user could make these transmissions via mobile, something that I take Periscope with the momentum of Twitter, and Facebook is still experimenting with good results. So it is now time that YouTube has its own service.
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YouTube Connect have the same features as found today in Periscope and Facebook, i.e. live commentary, store transmissions to publish in the user channel and notifications when a channel to which we have subscribed has initiated a transmission. Of course, everything would be connected through our Google account and our YouTube channel, it would be an application for iOS and Android, but without integration with Twitter and Facebook, which could affect pulse transmissions on social networks.
Since the application can access transmissions “recommended” and the most popular channels, either for direct or earlier transmissions. It is still unknown when it will be launched this service, but everything points to the next Google I / O 2016, where the company could even announce partnerships with celebrities, fashion channels and technology, with the idea of promoting the service and can compete in a growing market, but already has a significant market share.
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