How to Create a Song Compilation from MP3s

Do you have a collection of songs in MP3 format and tend to create playlists out of them? While playlists are a great way of compiling songs, why not actually merge your songs together into a single audio file instead?

Assuming you do decide to create a song compilation, you could even go the extra mile and polish it up a little. For example, you could trim out excess audio at the start and end of some tracks, and use ‘fade-in’ and ‘fade-out’ effects so that each song flows into the next perfectly.

On top of that you could even add a video to your song compilation, turning it into a music video and then improving upon that even further by tweaking the video too. Regardless of which of these options you want to pursue or whether you just want to create a basic compilation of songs – the fastest and easiest way to do so is with Movavi Video Editor.

Although it may be a video editor first and foremost, the reason why it is helpful to use Movavi Video Editor is because it has all the features that you need to compile and tweak your songs. More importantly it is so easy to use that you won’t need to jump through any hoops to do so.


To start to combine MP3 files just add your songs to the software by clicking on the ‘Add Media Files’ button. When you add songs they’ll automatically be placed in the audio section of the ‘Timeline’. Once they’re there, you can drag them around in the ‘Timeline’ to sort out the order in which you want them to appear.

When you’re satisfied with the song compilation, you could just save it then and there. However if you want to make use of the other features of Movavi Video Editor you could certainly do so as well and start to add video, cut and combine video segments, enhance the video quality, apply special effects and filters, insert animated transitions, and include customizable text.

Seeing as Movavi Video Editor makes it so easy to combine songs, edit videos, and transform them with special effects – you’ll be spoilt for choice. As you start become accustomed to the features of the software, you may even begin to discover how combining them can produce some really amazing results if done right.