Instagram: Here comes the support for high-resolution images


To date about Instagram was not possible to share images at full resolution as the social network and the converted automatically reduced to 640 x 640 pixels, this happened to be lighter on servers with high-resolution images. After the change of direction of Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook with images 1080 x 1080 even Instagram has adapted.

Image Source: Google Image

High-resolution images even on Instagram

The new format is already active as support to The Verge; the roll-out has just begun and will be completed in about two weeks on iOS and Android. To get immediately the ability to view photos in 1080p just go to the source of the HTML page of an uploaded photo on Instagram high resolution and seek the appropriate url.

Our goal now is for mobile, we have no plans to carry out this task also on the web-app.

These were the words of the team. The ability to upload and view photos in 1080p on Instagram has finally become reality, if you are among the lucky ones who have already activated this option, started taking snaps by real photographers and enrich your personal dashboard reminding tags or hashtags that are better crucial if you want your photos to be present in user searches.

How to use hashtags and what are they?

Hashtags are the keywords that users use the photo as a description to help search engines to find the indoor and outdoor photos with ease. For example if you have shared a photo of a flower can use as a hashtag the name of the flower itself, the place where it was taken, the term flower, plant, nature and so on saying. This is the real secret to success of Instagram as well as all other social networks.