Facebook joins Unity to create a gaming platform Steam desktop style

Facebook games

Facebook wants to be in all possible fields of battle. It has already stood up to YouTube to launch its video platform that grows daily, so has with messaging and virtual reality through Oculus; Now it’s time to enter fully into the world of video games, an industry with a growth rate that Facebook wants to use.

Facebook has closed a new partnership with Unity, with whom currently work by Oculus, to launch a platform that will make available to its more than 1,700 million users direct downloadable video games on your computer, which enable developers to have a new place to sell and users a place to buy games.

Facebook games
Image Source: Google Image

Facebook bet on the game again

Interesting strategy posed Facebook with this new platform, as it will use its presence worldwide so that your users can download games in a simple way; the attractiveness of this is that will target both the casual and the hardcore segment, no limitations, this because they want their games developers iOS and Android will bring this platform, but also want more complex games are available.

From today developers can request access Alpha platform, allowing them to work under version 5.4 of Unity among its benefits, enable build and export video games directly to the website of Facebook and desktop application the new gaming platform.

Remember that this is not the first time Facebook bet for video games in the past launched an integrated your web service where developers were based on a platform SDK, hindering the work and had finally developers opt for work only in app stores of mobile operating.

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This platform is an update to the project “Facebook Games Arcade” which was announced last May, now evolves and is known as “The new platform for gaming PC Facebook”, a name that is not definitive and where we see that the idea has grown seeking to expand the market to which they will go, as it is designed for different platforms and not just Windows .

As we see the style is very similar to what Valve offered through Steam, which today has 125 million monthly active users. Where the real key to this movement suggests that Facebook will be able to have available a lot of games without the need to even have an operating system, this of course depend on the participation of developers, but Facebook are sure that the exhibition offered, along with the availability of simple tools will make this time a success.