A Brief History of Exeter

It’s not possible to give a brief history of Exeter as it is one of the oldest cities in Great Britain. It begins life as in the myths of time in the Neolithic landscape of Britain. Our ancient ancestors soon saw the worth of the place as the site that contained lots of fish. Food, being scarce, was vital to the survival of the tribes and so the land was very important to them To illustrate this the name Exeter can be said to have a literal translation as, “the place full of fish” in old English.

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The Romans also valued the place. They soon made it the home of one of their most important legions, a garrison that was led by Emperor Vespasian himself. After the departure of the Legions, the land was the domain of the Britons who began to mingle with the Saxons. As part of Wessex, it also maintained an importance which was fully realised when it gained an ornate Gothic Cathedral in the 11th Century.

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Wool and its trade brought great prosperity as the city served as a market for the many farmers on the moors and hills around the city. This fell away and by the First World War, the city was facing an uncertain future. This was changed with the rise of the University and the city became a place of learning. Tourism Business is also important which is why Meeting Rooms Exeter based options like https://exeter.nettl.com/meeting-rooms are of great value.